Anna Maria Dewajanti, Erma Mexcorry, Yohana B Sidabalok, Tika A H Riani


Hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus produces many free radicals that can increase fat peroxidation which then decomposes into malondialdehyde (a marker of cellular damage due to free radicals). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of South African leaf infusion on glucose and MDA levels. The samples were 25, grouped into 5. Each group contained 5 rats, namely the negative, positive and treatment control groups.  The treatment group was given South African leaf infusion with doses of 5%, 10% and 15% b / v. The administration of South African leaf infusion at all doses caused a decrease in glucose levels on the 15th and 30th days, where the greatest decrease was seen at a dose of 15% b / v 30 days (p <0.05). The administration of South African leaf infusion at a dose of 10% b / v and 15% b / v caused a decrease in MDA levels, where the largest decrease was also seen at doses of 15% b / v 30 days (p <0.05). This conclusion supports the notion that South African leaf infusion has hypoglycogemic activity and as an antioxidant.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijobb.v2i2.30


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Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity

ISSN 2581-0014

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Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

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