Optimization of Honey Concentration on In Vitro Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ) Shoot Induction

Luluk Muzayyana, Muhammad Hazmi, hidayah murtiyaningsih, Laras Sekar Arum


Sorghum can be developed a functional food, feeding and bioethanol. The genetically modified development is threated regeneration in vitro. The purpose study to get an optimum concentration of honey on MS media for the growth of sorghum shoots. The study was carried out using a randomized complete design with a single treatment of honey concentration, 4 replications. The concentration of honey used covers 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/l. Observation parameters consist of time shoot appears, percentages emerge shoots, high shoots and number of leaves. Data obtained were analyzed by F test further more with DMRT 5%. Study results showed that there is no significantly influenced on time shoot appears, high shoot 9, 12, and 15 hsi, while the real difference in the number of shoots, percentage emerge shoot and high shoot 6 hsi. The treatment 5 g/l of honey able to accelerate time shoot appearance, and honey treatment 10 g/l result in the percentage of the highest shoot of 72%, the number of shoots 0,72 and the highest growth length 0f 5,02 mm at 6 hsi, was the best treatment.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijobb.v4i2.68


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Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity

ISSN 2581-0014

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Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Jalan Arjuna Utara No. 9, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat